First Annual FB Akise Awards 2010
WHAT : FB Akise Awards 2010 Adalah Award ‘Just For Fun’ Buat Seru-Seruan Saja…
WHY : Sebagai Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman FB Semua...
WHO : Nominasinya yah Teman-Teman FB Semuanya… Tanpa Terkecuali (Dengan Catatan : Masuk Nominasi), Dan Saya Yang Menentukannya.
HOW : 26 Kategori Facebooker. Jika FB Anda Masuk Nominasi Maka FB Anda Akan Di Tag-Name, Baik Itu Nominator Ataupun Pemenangnya… Wkwkwkwk (Ribet Yah…), dan buat yang menang akan di Tag-Picture Logo FB Akise Awards 2010 (Sorry Klo Pict-nya Amatir Banget, Maklum Bukan Ahli Design).
(Comment Pada Tag-Name)
1. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Nunho Manic Depressive
2. Uginaumi Chan
3. Rhireyn Exist Slalu
4. Meri Andani
5. Ammo Bhebe Outsider
The Winner Is : Nunho Manic Depressive
2. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Spensix Friends' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. H Youshuf Moechtar
2. Jelita Kira Lup PaRamuda
3. Rini Idhoo
4. Aswin Saputra
5. Andalusia Akhlakul Muhammad
The Winner Is : Jelita Kira Lup PaRamuda
3. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Skatri Friends' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Aswandi Setyawan
2. Adhy Rezki Fajias
3. Ammie Cherry
4. Fadhly Masih Perjaka
5. Basmha Ibheq
The Winner Is : Ammie Cherry
4. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Sepupu' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Azuma Kenwis Egiky
2. Astycka Aurelia
3. Fitrhy MaCih Putry MayoZt
4. Anchul Kerenz
5. Omy Kodok Ijo
The Winner Is : Astycka Aurelia
5. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'TKJ Friends Female' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Arly Konjo Kembali
2. Irdha Ddha BuonDenk
3. Lastry Hamzah
4. Wawa Amirullah Arif
5. Fhevi GanjaNk
The Winner Is : Arly Konjo Kembali
6. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'TKJ Friends Male' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Doank Jusmulyadi
2. Univerm Alpha
3. Zikri Nur Sukma
4. Masih Tetap Yoel
5. Arifiadi Zack Andromeida
The Winner Is : Zikri Nur Sukma
7. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Nama Ter-PANJANG' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Fifinchegadiezlhugu Ygingind'cintaiseseorg Dengandstulushattie
2. Niiesoerr Boedaxmelodicx Dlofnevezzdegnevva
3. Diansyahkusumadiningrat Lopheradenayudilaprikitieuw
4. Draculabrutalizm Pencinta Semurjengkol
5. Mjc Bryan'gustsaputra HardinbadronhirogamaZerisawa
The Winner Is : Fifinchegadiezlhugu Ygingind'cintaiseseorg Dengandstulushattie
8. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Nama Ter-UNIK' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Iiy Panitia Hari Kiamat
2. Indomie Seleraku
3. Paksaan OrTu
4. Pencari Damai
5. Kiikii ALwayzluvh Susterkramazzt
The Winner Is : Iiy Panitia Hari Kiamat
9. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Ter-Cool' Favorite
The Winner Is : Ncha Mashaby
10. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Ter-Smart' Favorite
The Winner Is : Mikhael Manukallo
11. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Status Ter-Inpiratif' Favorite
The Winner Is : AlbaNa Hassany
12. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Ter-Eksis' Favorite
The Winner Is : Tiwie ExistSelalu
13. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Ter-Misterius' Favorite
The Winner Is : Gwe Meonkzt
14. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Ter-Melow' Favorite
The Winner Is : Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
15. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Female Most Update Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Rizna Granger
2. Tiwie ExistSelalu
3. Dhyana Triana Jhe
4. Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
5. Ricqa Frea Tha
The Winner Is : Rizna Granger
16. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Male Most Update Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Dirman Ingin Bersamamu
2. Andi Iswan Kaktuvers
3. Arel Ahyaro
4. Arga Arifwangsa
5. Vito Lazuardi Aufar
The Winner Is : Arel Ahyaro
17. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Paling Jarang Update Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Pencari Damai
2. Ichal Ku Jhie
3. Dylan Wahyudin Cintaislamslaluslamax
4. Nunu Marozt
5. Dwi Andriany
The Winner Is : Nunu Marozt
18. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Best FB Friends' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Dylan Wahyudin Cintaislamslaluslamax
2. Fitrayanti Abdul Kadir
3. LaxMie CHan
4. J'lee Joehendra Palar
5. AnThie Slalu Jauhdmata Dekatdhati
The Winner Is : LaxMie Chan
19. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Nabilafitrah Bieber'blazt JgaaJackmania (Justin Bieber / JackMania)
2. Chiqa Cliquers Pashasigitpurnomo (Pasha / Ungu)
3. Revky Luph S'Potters (The Potters)
4. Supriadi Sneijder (Internazionale Milano FC)
5. Ayumi Tsukushi (Naruto & Manga)
The Winner Is : Supriadi Sneijder
20. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooners Friends' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Gaijin Premature
2. Haris 'Gooner' Atila
3. Erikson 'arsenal' Lorenzo
4. Tiyon Gunner Henry
5. Accavin Teerten
The Winner Is : Tiyon Gunner Henry
21. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friends' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Nadia Alfiana
2. Rosefull Arsenalbarca Lafuriaroja
3. Saira Özil Aghnia ArsenalMadrid
4. Ingrit Bendtner Arsenal
5. Sophie Anni
The Winner Is : Rosefull Arsenalbarca Lafuriaroja
22. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'New Friends' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Andi Muhammad Awhy Fd
2. Noe ANu
3. Ahmad Arifin Syah
4. Arvita Windiarsih
5. DhyLa Ntu' DiyLa
The Winner Is : Andi Muhammad Awhy Fd
23. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Lydia Ajja Degh
2. Tiwie ExistSelalu
3. Habibi Abi Alfian
4. Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
5. Anggiie Onew Shawol
The Winner Is : Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
24. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Ahmad Arifin Syah
2. RosEcha Ingin Success
3. Ahmad Punk-ideology
4. IpuNk RemboLerz
5. Profesor Arge
The Winner Is : RosEcha Ingin Success
25. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Best Friend Female' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. Lydia Ajja Degh
2. Rizna Granger
3. Ayumi Tsukushi
4. Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
5. Tiwie ExistSelalu
The Winner Is : Lydia Ajja Degh
26. FB Akise Award's 2010!
Facebooker 'Best Friend Male' Favorite
The Nomination :
1. RoyalEgo Rp
2. Ahmad Mycha
3. Faat Keren
4. Evan Manado
5. Aishieteru Jiee
The Winner Is : Faat Keren
Awards Ini Hanya 'Just For Fun' Sebagai Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman FB Semua...
But... This Is A Premier Or First On Facebook... Kalau Ada Yang Ngikutin Berarti Nyontek, Jiplak, Gak Kreatif! Wkwkwkwkwk
Thanks For Attention...
Tunggu Akhir Tahun Depan Lagi... hehehe
(Comment Pada Tag-Pict Logo)
Status Pending Update :
Pengennya Sich Masukin Kategori Facebooker Ter-Alay, Ter-Aneh Ter-PeDe, Ter-Lebay, Ter-Unik, Ter-Gokiil, Ter-Keren, Ter-Western, Yang Paling Sering Lebay Statusnya, Yang Paling Banyak Foto Albumnya,
Yang Paling Sering Curhat Di FB, Yang Paling Sering Ganti Foto Profil, dan Yang Paling Banyak Fotonya...
But Buang2 Waktu Gue... Wkwkwk... Lagian Takut Ada yang Tersinggung...
Facebooker 'Most Tagged A Photo For Me' Favorite :
Facebooker 'Most Like On My Picture/Photo' Favorite :
Status Yang Berkaitan :
FB Akise Awards 2010… Coming Soon!
GUYZ, FB Akise Awards Dah Mau Bergulir Niy...
Award's Started About An Hour Ago... And Now Awards Is Finished...
Result Of The Winners
1. Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite : Nunho Manic Depressive
2. Facebooker 'Spensix Friends' Favorite : Jelita Kira Lup PaRamuda
3. Facebooker 'Skatri Friends' Favorite : Ammie Cherry
4. Facebooker 'Sepupu' Favorite : Astycka Aurelia
5. Facebooker 'TKJ Friends Female' Favorite : Arly Konjo Kembali
6. Facebooker 'TKJ Friends Male' Favorite : Zikri Nur Sukma
7. Facebooker 'Nama Ter-PANJANG' Favorite : Fifinchegadiezlhugu Ygingind'cintaiseseorg Dengandstulushattie
8. Facebooker 'Nama Ter-UNIK' Favorite : Iiy Panitia Hari Kiamat
9. Facebooker 'Ter-Cool' Favorite : Ncha Mashaby
10. Facebooker 'Ter-Smart' Favorite : Mikhael Manukallo
11. Facebooker 'Status Ter-Inpiratif' Favorite : AlbaNa Hassany
12. Facebooker 'Ter-Eksis' Favorite : Tiwie ExistSelalu
13. Facebooker 'Ter-Misterius' Favorite : Gwe Meonkzt
14. Facebooker 'Ter-Melow' Favorite : Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
15. Facebooker 'Female Most Update Status' Favorite : Rizna Granger
16. Facebooker 'Male Most Update Status' Favorite : Arel Ahyaro
17. Facebooker 'Paling Jarang Update Status' Favorite : Nunu Marozt
18. Facebooker 'Best FB Friends' Favorite : LaxMie Chan
19. Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite : Supriadi Sneijder
20. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooners Friends' Favorite : Tiyon Gunner Henry
21. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friends' Favorite : Rosefull Arsenalbarca Lafuriaroja
22. Facebooker 'New Friends' Favorite : Andi Muhammad Awhy Fd
23. Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite : Wulan Freeyjzha Euwy
24. Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite : RosEcha Ingin Success
25. Facebooker 'Best Friend Female' Favorite : Lydia Ajja Degh
26. Facebooker 'Best Friend Male' Favorite : Faat Keren
Source :
My Facebook Profile
FB Akise Awards Picture The Winners
Notes All About FB About FB Akise Awards 2010
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