Tuesday, December 31, 2013

All About FB Akise Awards 2013

FB Akise Awards 2013 Logo
Fourth Annual FB Akise Awards 2013
WHAT : FB Akise Awards 2013 Adalah Award ‘Just For Fun’ Buat Seru-Seruan Saja… Tahun ini merupakan tahun keempat saya memberikan apresiasi ini buat teman-teman facebook semuanya!
WHY : Sebagai Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman Facebook Semua...
WHO : Nominasinya yah Teman-Teman Facebook Semuanya… Tanpa Terkecuali (Dengan Catatan : Masuk Nominasi), Dan Saya Yang Menentukannya.
HOW : 20 Nominasi/Kategori Facebooker, Dengan 20 Pemenang Tanggal 11-12-2013. Jika FB Anda Masuk Nominasi/Nominator Maka FB Anda Akan Di Tag-Name, Dan buat Pemenangnya akan di Tag-Picture Logo FB Akise Awards 2013…
(Comment Pada Tag-Name)

1. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Aswandy Setyawan
b. Sii Man'Rockman
c. Andi Meldha
d. Habibi Abi Alfian
e. Nunho Manic Depressive
2. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Spensix Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. H Youshuf Moechtar
b. Aswin Saputra
c. Alam Azhari Amir
3. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Skatri Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Fadhly Masih Perjaka
b. Rahmi
c. Fitra Ramadhan M
d. Iccha Mizra Anggraeni
e. Basmhawati Sriastriningyakob
4. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'TKJ Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Ichal Jie Saja
b. Yoel Titting
c. Lastry Hamzah
d. Setyawanti
e. Ahmad Miswar
5. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Family' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Amriyana Amrullah
b. Accul Syam
c. FitRhy Si Peri Ungu
d. Yunita CHeper PaLurui
e. Azzuma Kenwis Egiky
6. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'New Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Narnur Trijn
c. Andi Muhammad Dzahir
d. Irfan Arysandy
e. Mila Aprilia
7. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Muh Ibnu Rahmat
b. Riyo Pratomo
c. Supriadi Sneijder
d. Awal Awanzy Mohammed
e. Afy ReZpector 'stayontheLine
8. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooner Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Bagus Tri Kuncoro
b. Eboue Pm
c. Erikson Lorenzo
d. Muhammad Imam Rafi Adam
e. Omink Serdadu Mandex-Gooners
9. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Vicka Widya Gooner
b. Puji Arsene Bieber
c. Nad Asnil
d. Regina Rahman
e. Nastasia Gunners
10. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Unique Name' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Paksaan OrTu
b. Kancil Kecil
c. Mata Bugil
d. Kurakuradewa
e. Afgun Masih Saingannya
11. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Best Female Friend On FB' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Laxmie Chan
b. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
c. Risda Uginaumi Chan
d. Rizka Ainurrokhim
e. Dhiny Nyol
12. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Best Male Friend On FB' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Muhammad Wahyudin Nur
b. Dirman Ingin Bersamamu
c. Rian Destriandra
d. Ayah Bunda Fathir
e. Andi Derryck
13. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Most Frontal’ Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Muh Taris Anshari
b. Iccha Mizra Anggraeni
c. Andre Hutabarat
d. Muhammad Faruuq Qayyum
e. Annisa Pratama
14. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Most Update Status' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
b. Triestan Apriliyan
c. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
d. Nunho Manic Depressive
e. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
15. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Most Inspiring’ Favorite
The Nomination :

a. RoyalEgo Rp
b. Lastry Hamzah
c. Guido John Santos
d. Acheng Watanabe
e. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
16. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Rudi Wijaya
c. Ayah Bunda Fathir
d. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
e. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
17. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Ardiansyah C'gunners Budiman
c. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
d. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
e. Rudi Wijaya
18. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Best Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Muhammad Syafaat
b. Nurpratiwi Tiwie Junaidi
c. Acca Allegro
d. Irdha RoyalEgo
e. RoyalEgo Rp
19. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Community’ Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Makassar
b. Rumah Ide Makassar
c. Thread Pangeran
d. Mun Maemunah
e. Komunitas Pendukung Arsenal
20. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Of The Year - 2013’ Favorite
The Nomination :

a. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
b. Emry Armstrong
c. Nasrun Mc
d. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
e. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
Awards Ini Hanya 'Just For Fun' Sebagai Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman FB Semua...
But... This Is A Premier Or First On Facebook... Kalau Ada Yang Ngikutin Berarti Nyontek, Jiplak, Gak Kreatif! Wkwkwkwkwk… Waiting For The Next Year Again… In FB Akise Awards 201
(Comment Pada Tag-Pict Logo)

Status Yang Berkaitan :
FB Akise Awards 2013 Akan Berlangsung Hari, Tunggu Di Status Terbaru Selanjutnya!
FB Akise Awards 2013 Di Mulai, Inilah Nominasinya Facebookers... (The Akise Awards)

Results Of The Winners – FB Akise Awards 2013
1. Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Andi Meldha
2. Facebooker 'Spensix Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
H Youshuf Moechtar
3. Facebooker 'Skatri Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Fitra Ramadhan M
4. Facebooker 'TKJ Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Lastry Hamzah
5. Facebooker 'Family' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Accul Syam
6. Facebooker 'New Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Andi Muhammad Dzahir
7. Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Supriadi Sneijder
8. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooner Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Omink Serdadu Mandex-Gooners
9. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Regina Rahman
10. Facebooker 'Unique Name' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Afgun Masih Saingannya
11. Facebooker 'Best Female Friend On FB' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Risda Uginaumi Chan
12. Facebooker 'Best Male Friend On FB' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Ayah Bunda Fathir
13. Facebooker ‘Most Frontal’ Favorite
The Winner Is -
Annisa Pratama
14. Facebooker 'Most Update Status' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Amry Raymunda Darabasule
15. Facebooker ‘Most Inspiring’ Favorite
The Winner Is -
Acheng Watanabe
16. Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
17. Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Ardiansyah C'gunners Budiman
18. Facebooker 'Best Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is -
Nurpratiwi Tiwie Junaidi
19. Facebooker ‘Community’ Favorite
The Winner Is -
Rumah Ide Makassar
20. Facebooker ‘Of The Year - 2013’ Favorite
The Winner Is -
Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng

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