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Fourth Annual FB Akise Awards 2013
WHAT : FB Akise Awards 2013 Adalah Award ‘Just For Fun’ Buat Seru-Seruan Saja… Tahun ini merupakan tahun keempat saya memberikan apresiasi ini buat teman-teman facebook semuanya!
WHY : Sebagai Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman Facebook Semua...
WHO : Nominasinya yah Teman-Teman Facebook Semuanya… Tanpa Terkecuali (Dengan Catatan : Masuk Nominasi), Dan Saya Yang Menentukannya.
HOW : 20 Nominasi/Kategori Facebooker, Dengan 20 Pemenang Tanggal 11-12-2013. Jika FB Anda Masuk Nominasi/Nominator Maka FB Anda Akan Di Tag-Name, Dan buat Pemenangnya akan di Tag-Picture Logo FB Akise Awards 2013…
(Comment Pada Tag-Name)
1. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Aswandy Setyawan
b. Sii Man'Rockman
c. Andi Meldha
d. Habibi Abi Alfian
e. Nunho Manic Depressive
WHAT : FB Akise Awards 2013 Adalah Award ‘Just For Fun’ Buat Seru-Seruan Saja… Tahun ini merupakan tahun keempat saya memberikan apresiasi ini buat teman-teman facebook semuanya!
WHY : Sebagai Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman Facebook Semua...
WHO : Nominasinya yah Teman-Teman Facebook Semuanya… Tanpa Terkecuali (Dengan Catatan : Masuk Nominasi), Dan Saya Yang Menentukannya.
HOW : 20 Nominasi/Kategori Facebooker, Dengan 20 Pemenang Tanggal 11-12-2013. Jika FB Anda Masuk Nominasi/Nominator Maka FB Anda Akan Di Tag-Name, Dan buat Pemenangnya akan di Tag-Picture Logo FB Akise Awards 2013…
(Comment Pada Tag-Name)
1. FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Aswandy Setyawan
b. Sii Man'Rockman
c. Andi Meldha
d. Habibi Abi Alfian
e. Nunho Manic Depressive
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Spensix Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. H Youshuf Moechtar
b. Aswin Saputra
c. Alam Azhari Amir
The Nomination :
a. H Youshuf Moechtar
b. Aswin Saputra
c. Alam Azhari Amir
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Skatri Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Fadhly Masih Perjaka
b. Rahmi
c. Fitra Ramadhan M
d. Iccha Mizra Anggraeni
e. Basmhawati Sriastriningyakob
The Nomination :
a. Fadhly Masih Perjaka
b. Rahmi
c. Fitra Ramadhan M
d. Iccha Mizra Anggraeni
e. Basmhawati Sriastriningyakob
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'TKJ Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Ichal Jie Saja
b. Yoel Titting
c. Lastry Hamzah
d. Setyawanti
e. Ahmad Miswar
The Nomination :
a. Ichal Jie Saja
b. Yoel Titting
c. Lastry Hamzah
d. Setyawanti
e. Ahmad Miswar
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Family' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Amriyana Amrullah
b. Accul Syam
c. FitRhy Si Peri Ungu
d. Yunita CHeper PaLurui
e. Azzuma Kenwis Egiky
The Nomination :
a. Amriyana Amrullah
b. Accul Syam
c. FitRhy Si Peri Ungu
d. Yunita CHeper PaLurui
e. Azzuma Kenwis Egiky
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'New Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Narnur Trijn
c. Andi Muhammad Dzahir
d. Irfan Arysandy
e. Mila Aprilia
The Nomination :
a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Narnur Trijn
c. Andi Muhammad Dzahir
d. Irfan Arysandy
e. Mila Aprilia
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Muh Ibnu Rahmat
b. Riyo Pratomo
c. Supriadi Sneijder
d. Awal Awanzy Mohammed
e. Afy ReZpector 'stayontheLine
The Nomination :
a. Muh Ibnu Rahmat
b. Riyo Pratomo
c. Supriadi Sneijder
d. Awal Awanzy Mohammed
e. Afy ReZpector 'stayontheLine
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooner Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Bagus Tri Kuncoro
b. Eboue Pm
c. Erikson Lorenzo
d. Muhammad Imam Rafi Adam
e. Omink Serdadu Mandex-Gooners
The Nomination :
a. Bagus Tri Kuncoro
b. Eboue Pm
c. Erikson Lorenzo
d. Muhammad Imam Rafi Adam
e. Omink Serdadu Mandex-Gooners
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Vicka Widya Gooner
b. Puji Arsene Bieber
c. Nad Asnil
d. Regina Rahman
e. Nastasia Gunners
The Nomination :
a. Vicka Widya Gooner
b. Puji Arsene Bieber
c. Nad Asnil
d. Regina Rahman
e. Nastasia Gunners
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Unique Name' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Paksaan OrTu
b. Kancil Kecil
c. Mata Bugil
d. Kurakuradewa
e. Afgun Masih Saingannya
The Nomination :
a. Paksaan OrTu
b. Kancil Kecil
c. Mata Bugil
d. Kurakuradewa
e. Afgun Masih Saingannya
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Best Female Friend On FB' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Laxmie Chan
b. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
c. Risda Uginaumi Chan
d. Rizka Ainurrokhim
e. Dhiny Nyol
The Nomination :
a. Laxmie Chan
b. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
c. Risda Uginaumi Chan
d. Rizka Ainurrokhim
e. Dhiny Nyol
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Best Male Friend On FB' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Muhammad Wahyudin Nur
b. Dirman Ingin Bersamamu
c. Rian Destriandra
d. Ayah Bunda Fathir
e. Andi Derryck
The Nomination :
a. Muhammad Wahyudin Nur
b. Dirman Ingin Bersamamu
c. Rian Destriandra
d. Ayah Bunda Fathir
e. Andi Derryck
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Most Frontal’ Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Muh Taris Anshari
b. Iccha Mizra Anggraeni
c. Andre Hutabarat
d. Muhammad Faruuq Qayyum
e. Annisa Pratama
The Nomination :
a. Muh Taris Anshari
b. Iccha Mizra Anggraeni
c. Andre Hutabarat
d. Muhammad Faruuq Qayyum
e. Annisa Pratama
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Most Update Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
b. Triestan Apriliyan
c. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
d. Nunho Manic Depressive
e. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
The Nomination :
a. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
b. Triestan Apriliyan
c. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
d. Nunho Manic Depressive
e. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Most Inspiring’ Favorite
The Nomination :
a. RoyalEgo Rp
b. Lastry Hamzah
c. Guido John Santos
d. Acheng Watanabe
e. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
The Nomination :
a. RoyalEgo Rp
b. Lastry Hamzah
c. Guido John Santos
d. Acheng Watanabe
e. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Rudi Wijaya
c. Ayah Bunda Fathir
d. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
e. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
The Nomination :
a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Rudi Wijaya
c. Ayah Bunda Fathir
d. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
e. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Ardiansyah C'gunners Budiman
c. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
d. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
e. Rudi Wijaya
The Nomination :
a. Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
b. Ardiansyah C'gunners Budiman
c. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
d. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
e. Rudi Wijaya
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker 'Best Friend' Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Muhammad Syafaat
b. Nurpratiwi Tiwie Junaidi
c. Acca Allegro
d. Irdha RoyalEgo
e. RoyalEgo Rp
The Nomination :
a. Muhammad Syafaat
b. Nurpratiwi Tiwie Junaidi
c. Acca Allegro
d. Irdha RoyalEgo
e. RoyalEgo Rp
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Community’ Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Makassar
b. Rumah Ide Makassar
c. Thread Pangeran
d. Mun Maemunah
e. Komunitas Pendukung Arsenal
The Nomination :
a. Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Makassar
b. Rumah Ide Makassar
c. Thread Pangeran
d. Mun Maemunah
e. Komunitas Pendukung Arsenal
FB Akise Awards 2013 - Facebooker ‘Of The Year - 2013’ Favorite
The Nomination :
a. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
b. Emry Armstrong
c. Nasrun Mc
d. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
e. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
The Nomination :
a. Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
b. Emry Armstrong
c. Nasrun Mc
d. Putra WilshereKoscielny Gooners
e. Amry Raymunda Darabasule
Awards Ini Hanya 'Just For Fun' Sebagai
Apresiasi Saya Saja Buat Teman-Teman FB Semua...
But... This Is A Premier Or First On Facebook... Kalau Ada Yang Ngikutin Berarti Nyontek, Jiplak, Gak Kreatif! Wkwkwkwkwk… Waiting For The Next Year Again… In FB Akise Awards 2014!
(Comment Pada Tag-Pict Logo)
Status Yang Berkaitan :
But... This Is A Premier Or First On Facebook... Kalau Ada Yang Ngikutin Berarti Nyontek, Jiplak, Gak Kreatif! Wkwkwkwkwk… Waiting For The Next Year Again… In FB Akise Awards 2014!
(Comment Pada Tag-Pict Logo)
Status Yang Berkaitan :
FB Akise Awards
2013 Akan Berlangsung Hari, Tunggu Di Status Terbaru Selanjutnya!
FB Akise Awards
2013 Di Mulai, Inilah Nominasinya Facebookers... (The Akise Awards)
Of The Winners – FB Akise Awards 2013
1. Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Andi Meldha
2. Facebooker 'Spensix Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - H Youshuf Moechtar
3. Facebooker 'Skatri Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Fitra Ramadhan M
4. Facebooker 'TKJ Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Lastry Hamzah
5. Facebooker 'Family' Favorite
The Winner Is - Accul Syam
6. Facebooker 'New Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Andi Muhammad Dzahir
7. Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite
The Winner Is - Supriadi Sneijder
8. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooner Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Omink Serdadu Mandex-Gooners
9. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Regina Rahman
10. Facebooker 'Unique Name' Favorite
The Winner Is - Afgun Masih Saingannya
11. Facebooker 'Best Female Friend On FB' Favorite
The Winner Is - Risda Uginaumi Chan
12. Facebooker 'Best Male Friend On FB' Favorite
The Winner Is - Ayah Bunda Fathir
13. Facebooker ‘Most Frontal’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Annisa Pratama
14. Facebooker 'Most Update Status' Favorite
The Winner Is - Amry Raymunda Darabasule
15. Facebooker ‘Most Inspiring’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Acheng Watanabe
16. Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite
The Winner Is - Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
17. Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite
The Winner Is - Ardiansyah C'gunners Budiman
18. Facebooker 'Best Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Nurpratiwi Tiwie Junaidi
19. Facebooker ‘Community’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Rumah Ide Makassar
20. Facebooker ‘Of The Year - 2013’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
1. Facebooker 'Old Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Andi Meldha
2. Facebooker 'Spensix Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - H Youshuf Moechtar
3. Facebooker 'Skatri Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Fitra Ramadhan M
4. Facebooker 'TKJ Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Lastry Hamzah
5. Facebooker 'Family' Favorite
The Winner Is - Accul Syam
6. Facebooker 'New Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Andi Muhammad Dzahir
7. Facebooker 'Fanatic Something' Favorite
The Winner Is - Supriadi Sneijder
8. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Gooner Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Omink Serdadu Mandex-Gooners
9. Facebooker 'The Gunners - Goonerette Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Regina Rahman
10. Facebooker 'Unique Name' Favorite
The Winner Is - Afgun Masih Saingannya
11. Facebooker 'Best Female Friend On FB' Favorite
The Winner Is - Risda Uginaumi Chan
12. Facebooker 'Best Male Friend On FB' Favorite
The Winner Is - Ayah Bunda Fathir
13. Facebooker ‘Most Frontal’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Annisa Pratama
14. Facebooker 'Most Update Status' Favorite
The Winner Is - Amry Raymunda Darabasule
15. Facebooker ‘Most Inspiring’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Acheng Watanabe
16. Facebooker 'Most Commented On My Status' Favorite
The Winner Is - Tati Fitri Kartikawati HadiPrayitno
17. Facebooker 'Most Like On My Status' Favorite
The Winner Is - Ardiansyah C'gunners Budiman
18. Facebooker 'Best Friend' Favorite
The Winner Is - Nurpratiwi Tiwie Junaidi
19. Facebooker ‘Community’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Rumah Ide Makassar
20. Facebooker ‘Of The Year - 2013’ Favorite
The Winner Is - Arvita Dari Negeri Dongeng
Source :
My Facebook Profile
FBAkise Awards Picture The Winners
Notes All About FB About FB Akise Awards 2013
My Facebook Profile
FBAkise Awards Picture The Winners
Notes All About FB About FB Akise Awards 2013
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