Sunday, October 16, 2011

Player News - Van Persie Says I Am Committed To Arsenal

Robin van Persie has reiterated his commitment to Arsenal Football Club.

There has been speculation over the captain's future in recent weeks as Van Persie enters the final two years of his current contract. But the Dutch forward has told the Official Matchday Programme that Arsenal's fans should not be concerned.

"I want to say something about my commitment to Arsenal because there have been many stories in the media lately," said Van Persie.

"I am committed to Arsenal, and that’s how it is, despite people [in the media] making up stories. For example, they said I was selling my house, but that’s nothing recent, I moved house last year.

"I see stories which make me laugh, but I can see how frustrating it is from the fans’ point of view. But I am committed to Arsenal. I am captain, and fans should not believe everything they read.

"As for that house story, the house has been for sale for a while, but I’m not living on the streets or anything, I have found a really nice house, and yes, it’s in London! So I want to put that straight, I am committed, and I will show that on the pitch."

Source : Www.Arsenal.Com

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"Aku ingin mengatakan sesuatu tentang komitmen saya untuk Arsenal karena ada banyak cerita di media akhir-akhir ini,"

"Saya berkomitmen untuk Arsenal, dan itulah bagaimana hal itu, meskipun orang-orang [di media] mengarang cerita. Misalnya, mereka bilang saya menjual rumah saya, tapi itu tidak ada yang terakhir, saya pindah rumah tahun lalu.

"Saya melihat berita yang membuat saya tertawa, tapi aku bisa melihat bagaimana rasanya frustasi. Tapi saya berkomitmen untuk Arsenal.. Saya kapten, dan fans tidak harus percaya semua yang mereka baca.

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